"Meeting Point" is finally back. After a long absence it opened again in Palazzo Leonetti Luparini, the prestigious ancient building at 10, Via Giustolo, in Spoleto. After the strong will of Confindustria Perugia - Spoleto-Valnerina branch, this will be the place where actors, guests and journalists will receive infos about events and plays. At the Meeting Point there is actually the Press Room, too. Here, journalists will have the chance to meet artists, interview them, work with the available, internet linked PCs and check the the daily updated press release.

All the Festival period long the Meeting Point will also be a lounge bar to have a long dring, a cofee or taste a good wine glass. To have a break at the Meeting Point Bar, you should show your Festival Pass.It will open daily from 10 am to 9.30 pm.